Ashlee Glazer

Ashlee was a Global Ambassador for Smith Cult. She also taught training to salon partners, as well as hosted events at Marie Claire London. Ashlee continues to be in awe of her experiences. Ashlee Glazer & I love beauty and fashion since the day we first met. From the counter to down to the carpet where I worked. Celebrity Brides as well as the frequent clients I work with keeps me active and offer me advice and tips that I can share with you as an expert on the world of beauty and lifestyle. For me, the best option to wind down my day is to spend time with family or friends at the table with a view of nature. To combine resources with community, I aim to create an environment that educates and inspire through art. Ashlee Glazer is a live makeup artist and beauty expert. She is a celebrity artist-inspiring her clients to build confidence and strength while empowering confidence in their own self-expression. She inspires women to feel at ease and conquer the world through her work. Kyle Glazer is my sister. She was born on May 12th, 2012. The parents of Kyle Glazer were Harry Glazer and Jennifer Glazer. I was drawn to Goshen since I instantly felt home when I arrived on campus. I was able to choose Goshen because I was impressed by the atmosphere on campus, team dynamic. The coaches P and Ryan were also the reason I chose Goshen. Her father is highly regarded by her daughter because of his dedication to work. The ability to deal with any situation or person and advice. Best athletic moment of the observer was winning both the state and national titles.

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